Thursday, December 31, 2009

Dylan Square Dancing???

December 2009

Dylan's PE for a week was Square Dancing. Luckily he was paired up with his friend Gabbi. The video is a crack up which hopefully I can learn to paste on this blog someday.

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas Letter (email) to Santa_

Oh my goodness, I love my daughter!! This is a copy of the letter she emailed to SANTA this year!
Dear Santa, Merry Christmas!Sorry this might be a little late, but what i would REALLY love for Christmas is a cell phone.(The LG VU in wine) From AT&T but you won't need that cause you make your own toys. =]My mom and dad... said,"We're not getting you a phone, but maybe you should ask SANTA."PLEASE your the only one who can get/MAKE one for me. Once again i apologize for the late notice =[..... But i appreciate what you do in one night!! PLEASE- this is all i want for Christmas, and I have been trying really hard all year long to earn this phone! please! =]Here is the link to show you what the phone looks like! =] Once again thank you so much! I understand if i don't get it, but i would appreciate it! =] Thank you, Here is the link =] (i know it DOESN'T say "wine" but there is, and i would like that color=] LOVE morgan gross, HAPPY HOLIDAYSSee MoreLG VU(TM) Cell Phone - Wireless from AT&T

At last...... Christmas morning!

Morgan gets her phone! Thank you SANTA!!! Dylan gets his baseball goods and a crazy NERF gun, Dad appears to get a crock pot but it's really a leather jacket! Mama gets lucky and scores a Coach wallet for her new purse! Even Hersheys scores a new bed and a bone!

Thanks to a real good friend, Christmas Day was saved! Thank you Jerry for coming through and letting our folks borrow your car. We couldn't have done it without you!!

Christmas Eve

December 24, 2009

Tradition for at least the last 11 years has been to celebrate with our good friends from Tracy, The Lindt Family. I absolutely adore this family and consider their kids like our own. Their family has grown over the last few years with Brian and Julie marrying and now they have two kids of their own ( and I might add they are sooooooo adorable)! I'm not sure exactly what my most favorite part of Christmas Eve was this year, either the abundance of warmth that fills the house with kids and dogs or riding the ATV in the pitch dark fields after a few lemon drops! Either way you look at it, we are blessed share the holidays with you all. We always have so much fun when we hang out.

Christmas with the cousins

December 2009

We love going to see our family on the holidays. We went over to our cousin's house in San Jose the week before Christmas. The kids love playing the gaming system with their older cousins as well as enjoying the company of the littler ones! It just amazes me how quickly they all grow up and where their lives are taking them. We really missed seeing cousin Patti, but we hope when she returns from Puerto Rico in January we will be able to spend some quality time with her too. It was so nice to see everyone and we look forward to hosting next year's Christmas gathering at our place. We love you and wish you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Dylan decides to clean up his act!

December 2009

So I get a call one night while I'm at the hospital Christmas party from Morgan a little upset that "Daddy has lost it!" Come to find out Dad is upset because Dylan got a hold of Morgan's razor and decided to "itch his scalp" with the razor! Needless to say he required an entire head shaving that night, courtesy of dad. He walked around the next week looking like an unfortunate patient of mine! Dylan says "I know I blew it, I'm convinced razors aren't for me!" Now I envision this overly grown hair on his face in the future.... JUST GREAT!

Home Sweet Home for Thanksgiving

November 2009

As our Hawaiian vacation ended the day before Thanksgiving we wanted to share a little of the island with our family on "Turkey Day". We brought home lei's for my mom and Rob's mom so we could have a 3 generation picture. Morgan and I greeted the ladies at the door to give a Hawaiian welcome as they came in the door. It was sad to leave a beautiful place but very nice to be home for the holidays with loved ones!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Family Vacation- Maui

November 2009

We were so blessed this year with a family vacation to Maui. Our friends Les and Katie let us stay at their place in North Kihei for 9 beautiful days and nights! We enjoyed some great weather, beaches and met some amazing people along our journey. The kids were in heaven everyday deciding just exactly how to plan their day...... let's see something like this.... Morgan- "wanna go to the beach Dylan?" Dylan- "yeah I do!" Morgan- "should we see if mom and dad want to bring the boogie boards?" Dylan- ABSOLUTELY! and let's not forget the snacks too!!"

We spent 2 days and 1 night in Hana or should I say on the road to and from Hana. We loved all the beautiful flowers and waterfalls that seemed abundant but it never got old!

Rob took a picture with Bruddah Hut after a very satisfying meal on the road side. Having a plate of terriyaki chicken or ribs with macaroni salad and rice is the only way to go!!!

On our trip to Hana we met Hal and Lisa who have lived in Maui the past 18 years. They too were doing some tourist type activities on the island with their friends visiting from Maryland. Their friends came over to islands to see the Maui Invitational Men's Basketball games. Once we made friends with the gang we were off to Red Sand Beach. They were so nice and had us join them for a beach BBQ the following Sunday. We wish our new friends in Maui Hal and Lisa a Happy New Year, and we hope to come visit again soon!

We had alot of time as a Ohana (family) to gather our thoughts and really slow down a bit. We find ourselves so rushed day to day that we forget to sometimes stop and smell the flowers! I'm constantly reminding myself of this and really want to thank my family for making our vacation an incredible experience I will never forget!

Kids Awards

November 2009

Mo and Dylan show off their Math awards this Fall. Morgan also made Honor Roll, we are so proud of both kids for keeping up with their school work!

Dylan and Mo -" Up Close"

November 2009

One day I decided I needed some "updated" pictures on my wall. It amazes me how much kids change in one year and it had been at least 3 years since we took pictures of our own kids! Morgan is changing into a young lady right before or eyes! Dylan never seems to stop amazing us with the crazy stuff he does! Both kids are so full of energy and their ability to make us laugh isn't lacking!

Morgan and Dylan we love you dearly! Mom and Dad

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Adult Halloween Party 2009

Courtesy of our great friends the Klumps is our annual night we look forward to almost like Christmas morning. Bill and Stacey sure know how to throw a party. This year it was moved to a hall (so the cops wouldn't interfere with our partying). Rob and I decided to change things up a bit this year with an Entrepreneur and a Go-Go Dancer. What a fun night, again thanks Bill and Stacey for so much fun!

Halloween 2009

We never know who has more fun on Halloween the kids or the parents? Rob and I took the kids out trick or treating with some of our favorite families and friends. We bundled up ourselves and walked through endless houses in the neighborhood begging for candy, yeah that's how it goes! We ended the night with a warm cup of hot cocoa and took count of our loot!

Halloween cookie decorating 2009

Decorating cookies as fast as we can eat them should have been the more appropriate title to this!

Black Oak Casino Day

October 2009

Our good friends the Sansoni's and our clan decided to take the small but very adventurous trip to Black Oak Casino. We stopped by an Apple Farm where the kids took a train ride, pet the animals at the petting zoo and tasted some of the finest apple goodies. Afterwards, we headed up to the casino. Paul and Rob got their first try at gambling while Cathi and I watched the kids. Cosmic bowling was a blast (especially after a couple pitchers of beer)! Dinner was served soon after at the near by sports bar. Cathi and I got our turn at gambling as well taking our turn at 21 and having fun with some of the locals! Have to say neither family could announce early retirement, but we all had a good time!

Color the Skies Race - September 2009

Labor Day weekend the kids and I ran a race at the Ripon- Color The Skies. My mom and Rob's parents came out to watch the race and BBQ for Labor Day weekend after the race. Both kids had never raced before but challenged themselves by giving it a try. Morgan liked it so much she ended up running again with me a few weeks later in the MUST Halloween Run in Manteca.

Girls boating day

September 2009

My friend Aun did a great job doing planning a "girls day on the lake"! Aun, Stacey, Daniele, Michelle, Stephanie, Denise, Sharlene, Chris and myself had an awesome day on Lake Don Pedro. End of the season flat water with little boats on the lake made for fantastic conditions for skiing, wakeboarding and tubing! We all had a blast, thanks ladies for a great day on the lake!!!!

First Day of School

August 2009

Hard to believe I have a 6th and 3 rd grader this year. Both kids have phenomenal teachers and are truly enjoying school and their friends! If you didn't know better, someone might guess Dylan is my 6th grader by size alone!

A's Game

August 2009

Nothing like enjoying bleacher seats for the A's Game. Did I mention it was the 10th annual Rootbeer Float Day too!!

Learning to save for something you want!

August 2009

Morgan worked at the day care this summer learning to the very important concept, SAVING her $$. Morgan put away her money all summer for a desk set she had her eye on. After saving enough she made her big purchase. Rob and Mo spent some quality time putting her hard earned $$ together into something she could actually appreciate! Morgan now has a place of her very own and away from her brother to do her homework- (that might be why she was so driven actually!)

Soccer and Friends- what a good combo!

August 2009

Picture day at Shasta Park for MASL.