Sunday, January 30, 2011

Black Oak Casino RUA Fundraising Trip Dec. 2010

Oh what a night! The quote of the night was "Hot Damn" and a 100 more stories to go along with that one! This was our fundraising bus trip for our girls competitive soccer team. We had filled a 55 seat bus on route to Black Oak Casino for a night of gambling and fun. I helped coordinate with Sandi and we were able to fill not only the bus but each girls' account to purchase stuff for the end of the season. I made over 100 jello shots which on the bus ride up there sold out immediately (needed more). Once we arrived we had about 5 hours to dine and gamble. After a group of us ate in the Sports Bar I went to the non-smoking section to gamble. My mom had won $5000 earlier this year on this very machine that I gambled on and won $1000. Not nearly as impressive but as I don't usually win............ VERY IMPRESSIVE!!! After this long filled and exciting night we got a few hours sleep and off to the Woodward Breakfast we went!

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