Wednesday, February 24, 2010

RTR......... Road to Recovery!

After surviving cancer almost exactly 15 years ago my mom gets the unfortunate opportunity to once again to relive her past. My mom is a very strong person and I know will be fine when it's all done. She is determined and passionate about getting past this once again. My mom has been through a lot and I know will once again rise above this and only become a stronger person for it! I've learned many things from my mom which I know has helped me become the strong and independent person I am today.
We start this road to recovery now!!!! I say WE cause you are not alone in this! We are a family and small we might be but not inferior! That is what family is for, to help one another when we need it most. We are here for you and would do anything for you! We are looking forward to your road to recovery!

Love Deb, Rob, Morgan and Dylan

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