Sunday, March 21, 2010

5K at the Modesto Marathon

Today my friend Stacey and I awoke a little earlier than we would have normally done on a Sunday to run a race. We went to the very impressive Modesto Marathon where runners were lined up at 7 am to start their 26.2 mile run! I give everyone so much credit for running that kind of distance! I've never seen a marathon start before, and I have to say I was amazed by all the participants. I guess this was a qualifying race for the Boston Marathon. In fact there was a sign posted saying "If you aren't able to finish the marathon within 7 hours, please consider running the 1/2 marathon."

Stacey and I were a little more realistic with our expectations and took a stab at the 5 K. We split after the first quarter mile or so. I hadn't been training for this race, so my goal was to finish without stopping and needing medical assistance. My goal was accomplished, and although I added almost 2 minutes to my time from September I still finished under 30 minutes. This only gives me something to strive for on April 10Th! I just got to stick with it and keep active! Thanks Stacey for keeping me company, loved the after race goodies too!

Results Females 40-49

I ended up coming in 136 of 682 runners overall and in my age class 9 of 97. My official final time 29:33

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