Saturday, March 13, 2010

Girls Night Out "Prom 2010"

Who says you have to be in high school to celebrate Prom Night? Obviously, we don't! What a blast this night was. For under $30 most of us were able to pull of some sort of rendition of prom night! The gowns, tiaras, and glitzy jewels were abundant and definitely worth it. We had a limo take us out for 3 hours around Modesto and Manteca. We made a couple pit stops to make our entrances! We also had an appointment with the Picture People in the mall so we took professional pictures to capture our great night. Daniele was Prom Queen for the night and did very well with her "expecting self"!! What a crack up. Peoples' heads turned as fast as you could say what the? when she started dancing on the dance floor at a local watering hole! This is one of those nights that will go down in history ladies. Thanks for a FABULOUS night, definitely going to be hard to top this one! What will we think of next???

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