Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's 2010

December 31, 2009

Nothing like bringing in the New Year with friends! We had The Klumps, The Sansoni's and The Morrishes over for New Year's Eve this year. Rob made a delicious spaghetti sauce....... compliments to Rueven's recipe, so so yummy! After dinner we played Wits and Wagers where I realized a full size "regulation" tennis court is 120 ft - thanks Bill!
I seemed to have better luck with Poker after Wits and Wagers winning both, yes both games!
The kids were busily eating and playing games upstairs waiting for the countdown to the New Year. We toasted at midnight with the bubbly and some noise makers!

Happy New Year's, may we all have a healthy and prosperous 2010!

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