Monday, January 18, 2010

Sports update January 16

Oh what a weekend! Mom and dad came to watch the kids play their games this weekend and spread good luck all over! The Mavericks won their basketball game against the Sixers 21-6. Dylan scored 9 himself. We celebrated Coach Gary's 50th birthday after with donuts, the kids just LOVE you Gary!! Sorry I was only there to catch 1/2 the game cause we were road tripping to Turlock for soccer.
Mo and I met the team at the In and Out parking lot in Manteca to drive down to Turlock. Rob, Dylan , mom and dad were able to come down in time to catch both games too. The Manteca Arsenal had a phenomenal opener. They won their first game against Turlock 5-0 then repeated their efforts with a 2-0 win against Tuolumne. Mo played very aggressively and is showing she is there for a reason. I feel a goal coming on soon, very soon!
Sorry, I think I was so excited I didn't take any pictures this weekend! We are looking very forward to being in Manteca this weekend rain or shine!

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