Saturday, January 23, 2010

Sports update January 23

Well because of all the heavy rains Morgan's soccer games were cancelled! A much needed weekend off but on the other hand very disappointing. We love to watch Mo play soccer with her winter team! Looking forward to next weekend to play in Lodi.

Dylan's team is now 3-0. What a nail biting game this was. Dylan scored 5 himself. Final score was a narrow 13-11. Way to pull it off again Mavericks!! The Raptors was a tough team but you guys held on till the end and showed them you could play just as tough!

Next 2 weekends will not only include the usual 2 soccer games and a basketball game but baseball tryouts too!. Minor League draft night is February 6th which is around the corner. Our new team name you ask?........The Braves! Absolutley LOVE baseball season!!!

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