Thursday, April 29, 2010

Mo's disaster area!

So this is what having an almost teenage girl is like?!?!?!? OMG! Where is the half Virgo in her, have I not instilled good habits in my kids? You wonder where they sleep, and if you can find them are they o.k.? When you attempt to assist in finding that missing shin guard you accidentally stumble upon a soccer sock from 3 games ago! I have to admit I've taken the easy way out and just shut the door when someone comes over but this is insane! We've gotta get a plan and get it going fast!

Kids just wanna have fun!

Kickball for Adults?

So you ask how we are spending our Thursday nights these days? Why kickball of course! So a bunch of our friends have gotten together to form the kickball team "The Ball and Chains"! Our opener was against the Costco team "The Bootleggers"! Our first game ended with a victory!!!! Did I mention that there are themes on certain weeks too? This happened to be crazy hat night, so that would explain why Rob is in a helmet!! LOVE our team. Stay tuned for more crazy pictures, I'm sure!

A Casual Sunday

Nothing like a warm Sunday afternoon walking the dog with a friend!

Manteca Little League Night Ports Game

Rob took The Braves to the Stockton Ports game for Manteca Little League night. I was out of town unfortunately and missed all the fun :( The teams paraded around the field and got to meet the players! Here is our very own #14 shaking hands with some of the players. Issac, one of our own players was able to throw out the first pitch! Ricky Henderson was also there that night for the kids to meet. Thanks Coach Rob for helping put this event together for the kids!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Race for Hunger 5K

Me and the girls are are still trying this running thing! Today we ran a 5K to help support the local food bank! Cathi and I ran the 5 K and Daniele and Stacey ran the 1 mile. Everyone did awesome and improved their time. I took 2 minutes off my time from last month's race in Modesto, final time 27:53. The funny part of this is because it was such a small race I knew I was the second woman to cross the finish line. Cathi stuck around for the awards ceremonies while the rest of took off. Cathi calls me to tell me they "accidentally" categorized me in the under 39 group (oh darn) and the lady that crossed the finish line in front of me was also in this category, placing me second place! Which means, you guessed it Cathi took 1st place in the 40 and above group!!!! Hilarious, I tell you! As a good friend, Cathi did hand over the first place ribbon to me! We definitely have a funny story for many years to share. My friend Stacey took 1st place in the 1 mile for her age category too. Daniele was right next to her but too young so didn't place, too bad Daniele, I guess being the baby of the group didn't pay off for your awesome run yesterday! Lets go get em' next time ladies!!!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dylan my 1st Baseman and Pitcher

Dylan got his 2nd try at pitching against one of the best teams in the Minors. He pitched about 40 something pitches and did pretty well. When he wasn't trying out pitching he is doing a fine job as our 1st baseman!

Morgan and Dylan's Spring 2010 Picture

God I love my kids!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday at home!

Easter Sunday the kids awoke to the Easter Bunny arriving as usual, hidden eggs throughout the backyard and baskets in the family room! I cherish this year whole hearted as I know Dylan is getting older and the kids on the playground talk! Rob said seeing Dylan's face was worth it alone when he awoke and said, "the Easter bunny left millions of eggs out there"! Mo and Dylan grabbed their bags quickly and yes very competitively (let's just soccer has paid off in the last year for the both of them!)
Mo got a new size 5 soccer ball and lots of (non sticky candy) what a smart Easter Bunny! Dylan got a new basketball and lots of candy too!
I love my family and so very thankful for the wonderful life I have been given!

Our prayers are going out to Uncle Marc right now as mom and dad are with the family in New York awaiting his surgery tomorrow! On this Passover and Easter time our family love is spread to our loved ones for good health and and a successful procedure! We love you Uncle Marc and Aunt Ellen!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Mo gets a new grill

The long awaited braces phase! Dr. Duong placed braces on Mo 3/31/2010. The 2 year count down begins now! She handled it like champ. It's amazing how quick something goes on that changes your life forever when it's completed! Other than being on the soft food diet, she is doing great and we are looking forward to her new smile before high school!