Sunday, April 11, 2010

Race for Hunger 5K

Me and the girls are are still trying this running thing! Today we ran a 5K to help support the local food bank! Cathi and I ran the 5 K and Daniele and Stacey ran the 1 mile. Everyone did awesome and improved their time. I took 2 minutes off my time from last month's race in Modesto, final time 27:53. The funny part of this is because it was such a small race I knew I was the second woman to cross the finish line. Cathi stuck around for the awards ceremonies while the rest of took off. Cathi calls me to tell me they "accidentally" categorized me in the under 39 group (oh darn) and the lady that crossed the finish line in front of me was also in this category, placing me second place! Which means, you guessed it Cathi took 1st place in the 40 and above group!!!! Hilarious, I tell you! As a good friend, Cathi did hand over the first place ribbon to me! We definitely have a funny story for many years to share. My friend Stacey took 1st place in the 1 mile for her age category too. Daniele was right next to her but too young so didn't place, too bad Daniele, I guess being the baby of the group didn't pay off for your awesome run yesterday! Lets go get em' next time ladies!!!

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