Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday at home!

Easter Sunday the kids awoke to the Easter Bunny arriving as usual, hidden eggs throughout the backyard and baskets in the family room! I cherish this year whole hearted as I know Dylan is getting older and the kids on the playground talk! Rob said seeing Dylan's face was worth it alone when he awoke and said, "the Easter bunny left millions of eggs out there"! Mo and Dylan grabbed their bags quickly and yes very competitively (let's just soccer has paid off in the last year for the both of them!)
Mo got a new size 5 soccer ball and lots of (non sticky candy) what a smart Easter Bunny! Dylan got a new basketball and lots of candy too!
I love my family and so very thankful for the wonderful life I have been given!

Our prayers are going out to Uncle Marc right now as mom and dad are with the family in New York awaiting his surgery tomorrow! On this Passover and Easter time our family love is spread to our loved ones for good health and and a successful procedure! We love you Uncle Marc and Aunt Ellen!!

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