Thursday, May 27, 2010

Character Matters 3 rd Grade Play

The annual 3rd grade play was an absolute success as usual! When you have a great teacher like Mrs. Crippen running the show it's no doubt to be a success! Dylan played the "Giant" for the skit Jack and the Beanstalk. He was the "perfect fit" if you ask me. He had a smaller amount of lines but I have to give him credit as he had to sing a SLOW solo on stage while looking at Jack. The first dress rehearsal or two were definitely needed to get it right. When it came to show time he did a perfect job!! Character Matters is based on the 6 pillars we practice at school including; trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring and citizenship. Each part of the play was filled with other fairy tales, and nursery rhymes to make the show very entertaining! Some of Dylan's friends were in the choir shown in the pictures. Rob did another bang up job video taping the play as well as the behind the scenes with commentary, hilarious! Other pictures are after the show with his friends, Cameron, Brady and Gabbi. We celebrated an outstanding performance by taking the kids to Baskin Robbins afterwards.

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