Thursday, May 27, 2010

My kids are finally getting comfortable with shots!

So if you know my kids you know what fear they have of needles! I was getting tired of every Spring and Fall coming around having the kids endlessly sneezing, sore throats, watery eyes, nose etc. I decided to finally take them to an allergist to determine what the heck was bugging them! Mo ended up with the least amount of allergies, only testing positive to dust mites. Hmmmmmm, that sounds like something that's going to land on my lap as far as cleaning goes!! :)

As for Dylan, he ended up testing positive for just about everything imaginable; molds, pollens, trees, grasses and sesame seeds! So needless to say they are both going in for weekly injections for their allergies. That's one way to cure your phobia I guess? I know in the end they will thank me, at least I hope so!

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