Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lake Tahoe "Friends Annual Getaway Weekend"

For our annual adult weekend getaway this year we all went up to Lake Tahoe. Our friend John (previous general manager) hooked us all up with great rooms at a super price. 14 of us total, The Crippens, Sansonis, Klumps, Morrishes, Lyons, Inans and ourselves went to the Lake to relax and do some partying! The boys did some golfing at Edgewood course which was probably the highlight of the trip for the boys. Our friend Michelle hit is big on roulette and treated for drinks in the bar. We were all so excited for her winning we became invincible and started doing pyramids on the dance floor!
We even hit a drag show which at first I thought, "what have we got ourselves into?", after a few warm up routines it was the funniest thing I had seen!

The weather wasn't the most cooperative which didn't allow for our Gondola ride or our speed boat ride, but everyone made the best out of it and just hung out! Some of us were adventurous enough to take the service elevator at 5 am Sunday morning while the sun was coming up!

Jason and Daniele revisited where they got married 16 years ago at Harrahs, picture opportunities always make me misty eyed! Jason was nice of enough to re-new our vows there too!

Fun for all, and memories we shall never forget!! Thank you to a great bunch of people! I already look forward to just what, where and how it will all come together next year. Cher could be in our future..... I'm just saying Rick!

Oh, and I almost forgot if you look real close at one of the pictures you may even find Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump!

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